Hello, my name is Mrs. Waller and I teach kindergarten math, science, health, and social studies. I'm taking the opportunity to let you know how excited I am about this coming school year.
I'm dedicated to making this a busy, productive, and TERRIFIC year for all of my students. I will be communicating with you often about my classroom plans, your child's progress, school events, and other activities as they arise. |
At the beginning of the school week I will be sending an assessment form home with your child. I hope this is an orderly way of communicating. Your child's education is a collective effort, so I encourage you to look over the paper, in addition, newsletters will be sent home that provides you with useful information. The school also sends a weekly events note home. I would like to encourage you to visit me if any questions occur.
I can be reached at the school by calling the elementary office phone number (918-756-3400), by email ([email protected]), or on our class dojo (be sure to sign up)!
Your child's regular attendance is very important for a successful school year. Please try to make sure your child is well rested, on time and ready for a busy day. Arrival and dismissal times are listed in the Preston Elementary School Handbook. If your child arrives to school late you will need to sign your child in at the elementary office or sign in desk. When picking up your child, please do not enter the elementary building before school is dismissed. We will try and have your child ready to go home.
If your child needs to be picked up or ride a bus different than their usual schedule, we need personal contact from you by a note or call the school before 2:00 p.m.(918-756-3400). Please check WEEKLY EVENTS CALANDAR for before and after school closings.
If you would like to read the Preston Elementary School Handbook go to www.preston.k12.ok.us and click on student links, next elementary school, then handbook.
I am looking forward to sharing this year with you and your child.
Thank you,
Mrs. Waller
If your child needs to be picked up or ride a bus different than their usual schedule, we need personal contact from you by a note or call the school before 2:00 p.m.(918-756-3400). Please check WEEKLY EVENTS CALANDAR for before and after school closings.
If you would like to read the Preston Elementary School Handbook go to www.preston.k12.ok.us and click on student links, next elementary school, then handbook.
I am looking forward to sharing this year with you and your child.
Thank you,
Mrs. Waller