Alphabet - Phonics
- Rote Memory A-Z.
- Rote Memory Z-A.
- Random order Recognition.
- Proper construction of letters: Top to bottom, left to right and following arrow.
- Associate sounds with proper letters (long and short vowels, hard and soft consonant.
- Discrimination of middle and ending sounds in words and association of sound with letter.
- Displays understanding of blends, digraphs and special sounds and has the ability to apply this understanding to their reading.
- Count to 100 or higher.
- Recognition of numerals 0-100 in any order.
- Association of numerals 0-20 with correct set.
- Construction of numerals 0-100 and higher.
- Count by 10's to 100.
- Count by 5's to 100.
- Count by 2's to 100.
Social Studies
- Distinquish between left and right, progression from left to right while working. *Keeping place whole working, following instruction, participation, cooperation. Figure ground relationships, spatial relationships.
- Basic understanding of the meaning of each holiday.
- Basic understanding of origination of the flag.
- Study of Native Americans, Discovery of North America, War of Independence, Civil War, Martin Luther King.
- Discrimination between capital and lower case letters, ability to identify capital and lower case letters and ability to match lower case to corresponding capital letters.
- Capitalization of words at beginning of sentences, capitalization of names.
- Proper punctuation (period, question mark, comma exclamation point) - Identify them and know what they mean. Use properly when writing.
- Student will be able to distinguish opposites, rhyming word.
- Student will be able to use powers of deductive reasoning in answering questions over materials read in class.
- Student will recognize singular and plural subjects in stories and sentences.
- Student will be able to sequence a story that has at least four events.
- Addition and subtraction of single digit numbers.
- Addition of more than two numbers. Example: 3 + 2 + 4 =
- To demonstrate a basic understanding of simple addition and subtraction.
- Basic understanding of sequential order (first, second, third).
- Basic understanding of mathematical concepts such as long and short, patterning, capacity, full, empty, heavy, light, left and right, comparisons of length (tall, short) or (long and short).
- To be able to tell time on the hour.
- To be able to tell the value of a quarter, nickel, dime or penny.
- Following arrows, neatness, staying on lines when tracing , progression from left to right and top to bottom of page, staying between lines on penmanship.
- Proper construction of all letters and numbers zero to twenty.
- Proper construction of first and last name.
- Basic understanding of phonetic principles and the ability to apply phonetic principles to reading.
- Displaying basic understanding of blends, digraphs and special sounds and applying this understanding toward everyday reading.
- The reading series for kindergarten is Max by Modern Curriculum Press.
- These materials may be checked out as student advances to higher levels of reading.
- Colors: red, blue, green, orange, yellow, brown, purple, black, white, gray, tan and pink.
- Shapes: circle, square, triangle, rectangle, diamond and oval.
- Nature: plants, animals, seeds, health and nutrition.
- Topics: sun, earth, seasons, five senses, weather, matter and body.